by Candace Sanborn | Mar 27, 2021 | Diamond faces, Face Shapes, Glasses, Makeovers
Diamond Face Characteristics Diamond shaped faces are narrow at the forehead and jawline, and have broad cheekbones that may be high and dramatic. Glasses Goal To balance the angles of the face by choosing softly curved styles no wider than the cheekbones. Oval...
by Candace Sanborn | Mar 19, 2021 | Face Shapes, Glasses, Makeovers, Oval faces
Oval Face Characteristics Oval face shapes are considered the most balanced face shape, so this shape has more options for glasses that other face shapes. Glasses Goal To maintain the natural balance of the face. Good Frame Options Any style with rounded edges to...
by Candace Sanborn | Mar 17, 2021 | Face Shapes, Hairstyles, Makeovers, Oblong faces, Rectangle faces
You are an Oblong or Rectangle face shape if your face is visibly longer and narrow. The difference between the two is the angular or rounded nature of the jaw and chin. You are an Oblong shape if your jawline and chin are rounded and soft as seen above in...
by Candace Sanborn | Mar 15, 2021 | A-Triangle faces, Face Shapes, Hairstyles, Makeovers, Pear faces
You are a Pear or A-Triangle face shape if your jawline is the widest part of your face. The difference between the two is the angular or rounded nature of the jaw and chin. You are a Pear shape if your jawline and chin are rounded and soft as seen in the top photo of...
by Candace Sanborn | Mar 11, 2021 | Face Shapes, Hairstyles, Heart faces, Makeovers, V-Triangle faces
You are a Heart or V-Triangle face shape if your forehead is the widest part of your face then slopes down to a narrower jaw line and chin. The difference between the two is the angular or rounded nature of the jaw and chin. You are a Heart shape if your jawline and...
by Candace Sanborn | Mar 8, 2021 | Face Shapes, Hairstyles, Makeovers, Oval faces
You are an Oval face shape if your cheekbones are the widest part of your face, your forehead is narrower and you have a contoured jaw line that tapers to a rounded chin (like an inverted egg!). Hairstyle Goals Considered the most balanced face shape, your goal is to...