Are you feeling a bit frumpy?

Wearing comfy clothes with slippers or moccasins is nice, especially these days when more of us are working at, and spending more time in, our homes. It’s easy to stop caring how we look or take the time to “spruce up”, telling ourselves that it doesn’t matter because we’re older, heavier, at home with the kids all the time or “just seeing close friends and family.”

How you feel when you look into your mirror matters. Feeling frumpy and unattractive is not good for our self-esteem, let alone our energy.

If you’re craving a pick-me-up, think Self-Makeover.

Here’s the top six things you can learn or do to enhance your appearance so you can ditch the frump, look in that mirror and say, “Wow, I look great!”

There’s more to come on these topics to give you tips and techniques to help you be your best you. Keep checking in!


Don’t Want to do it yourself?

If you’d prefer to let a professional do your analysis, we’d love to help! Our Color Analysis, Perfect Clothing Fit and Skin Care and Makeup solutions use sophisticated technology to analyze your individual coloring and body proportions, giving you the tools and information you need to get the look you want! Contact us today!